Blitz & Brunch

Girls of Girls To Grandmasters

Enjoying the 18th annual Chess-in-the-Park

Hands raised for Woman Grandmaster Rusa Goletiani

VP Kimberly & Karsten with former World Champion and Grandmaster Garry Kasparov and FIDE Senior Trainer and Master Michael Khodarkovsky

Blitz & Brunch

Blitz & Brunch

Grandmaster Fabiano Caruana, Nicole, and Karsten

WGM Rusa Goletiani gives a lecture at Central Park’s Chess & Checkers House

Karsten, Grandmaster Irina Krush, and VP Kimberly at the All Girls NYC Chess Championship, hosted by Chess in the Schools.


Girls To Grandmasters

WGM Jennifer Shahade and WGM Rusa Goletiani

Woman Grandmaster Rusa Goletiani teaches Girls To Grandmasters

Grandmaster Irina Krush and VP Kimberly

Woman Grandmaster and former U.S. Women’s Champion Jennifer Shahade analyzes at Magnus League

Spence girls with their trophies

Woman Grandmaster and former U.S. Women’s Champion Jennifer Shahade, VP Kimberly, and Karsten visit Magnus League

Grandmaster Fabiano Caruana and VP Kimberly

Woman Grandmaster and former U.S. Women’s Champion Jennifer Shahade and VP Kimberly

FIDE Senior Trainer and Master Michael Khodarkovsky, Nicole , Karsten, and former World Champion and Grandmaster Garry Kasparov

Blitz & Brunch

Karsten, chess teacher Mitch Fitzko, and Nicole at the 18th annual Chess-in-the-Park

Blitz & Brunch

Chess girls

Blitz & Brunch

Passing out trophies at Spence All Girls Tournament

VP Kimberly and Grandmaster Maurice Ashley

Karsten with Elina (Groberman) Cotler, Woman International Master and 2000 U.S. Women’s Champion.

Chess & Checkers House

Karsten, Grandmaster Marc Arnold, and Nicole

Woman Grandmaster Rusa Goletiani teaches Girls To Grandmasters

Grandmaster Robert Hess and Karsten at the 2016 World Chess Championship

WFM Yassamin Ehsani and Karsten at Blitz & Brunch

VP Sophia, winner of the USCF Organizer of the Year award, and VP Kimberly

VP Kimberly and Grandmaster Sergey Karjakin

Rusa’s daughter, International Master and Woman Grandmaster Rusa Goletiani, Nicole, and Karsten

Blitz & Brunch

Woman Grandmaster Rusa Goletiani

Girls To Grandmasters

VP Kimberly and Woman Grandmaster Sabina Foisor

VP Kimberly and Grandmaster Robert Hess

Passing out trophies at the Spence All Girls Tournament

VP Kimberly visited the grave of former World Champion Bobby Fischer near Selfoss, Iceland

Karsten, Grandmaster Robert Hess, and Nicole

VP Kimberly and Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian

Grandmaster Ben Finegold and VP Kimberly

VP Sophia, International Master and Woman Grandmaster Elisabeth Pähtz, and VP Kimberly